Mind Body and Fitness by Melissa

office (303) 467-7768
fax (303) 233-1468

"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We're afraid."
"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We will fall!"
"Come to the edge."
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire, French Poet and Philosopher

Massage is like a French Fry.

You wait all day to satisfy your craving for French fries.  Finally, you get an opportunity to slip out and go to a fast food restaurant for your fries.  You wait in line. Your order.  You get them.  Open the bag, pull out a fry.... it's limp.  It's cold.  It's squishy.  What a disappointment.  When you treat yourself, don't take your chances on fast food fries.  Go somewhere that you know the fries are consistently good.  Likewise, don't take your chances on hit-or-miss massages.   Go somewhere that you know the massages are consistently good.

 MIND, BODY.  massage. pilates. yoga.

& FITNESS.  personal training.  


Informational Articles by Melissa

  •  Massage
  •  Fitness
  • Diet